Episode #004 - Do you like birdcalls? In this episode we visit with Bryan Webb II. Bryan is the Executive Assistant for Visions Realty.

Episode #004 - Do you like birdcalls? In this episode we visit with Bryan Webb II. Bryan is the Executive Assistant for Visions Realty. This is our first episode to feature a Facebook Live feed and video content…(https://youtu.be/KT5tWahWWQw)

Links from this episode
Coffee purchased from Dwell: http://www.dwellcoffeeandbiscuits.com
Lifegate Church: http://www.lifegateburleson.com/
Our Place Restaurant: http://www.ourplacerestaurants.com/


Episode #004 REN Podcast Transcription (Bryan Webb II)
Jason: What’s up Facebook!

Bryan: Hello

Jason: My name is Jason and this is Bryan. We have been doing the real estate podcast if you guys have been seeing. We are trying things; one thing that we are trying is switching this to when we do the podcast in the car. I have a go-pro up there, we are doing this, and we are recording the audio. So that when we do the podcast, we can also do the video. So that you can see the people that we are recording. That is pretty cool, huh?

Bryan: It is going to be great.

Jason: This is going to be awesome. For those who do not know, Bryan here is a jack-of-all-trades but he is the executive assistant for me. He is going to be our guest today. So here is how it works. We drive around, I drive, I ask some questions and we are going to be here for 20 minutes. I wish I could see who is watching, but I can’t because it is in landscape mode. For whoever is watching, you are awesome.  I have some questions and we are going to get to know Bryan, and just hang out for 20 minutes. I am driving too, so I am going to focus on driving

Bryan: First and then

Jason: First and then. Missy Minks, what’s up Missy? My first question for you Bryan is; how do you feel on pineapple on pizza?

Bryan: This is not a good idea. I do not like cooked pineapples at all. It is bad

Jason: By the way, ‘dwell coffee’ do you guys like dwell? Like that video and we will tag them later. This one is really important; toilet paper, over or under? On the roll, how it is on the roll. I don’t go that personal.

Bryan: Definitely over. Under is just inconvenient and I am actually known for changing the toilet paper. It does not matter if I am in the gas station or somebody’s house. If I go to the bathroom and if it is under, I just go ahead and switch it out - unless it is locked.

Jason: Wait, do you actually go to a counter and ask them for a roll of toilet paper if it’s out and it needs to be replenished.

Bryan: No

Jason: You don’t go that far.

Bryan: No

Jason: If it is convenient.

Bryan: Yeah

Jason: One last question that is weird; if animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Jessie, what’s up? You know both of us!

Bryan: Hey Jessie.

Jason: Bryan is a little sedated, he is not as excited and pumped as I am.

Bryan: Sorry, I have to say kangaroos. Kangaroos would be the rudest if they could talk

Jason: Really?

Bryan: I have seen Kangaroo Jack and that was a very rude kangaroo.

Jason: Heyo Mayo, I do not know what that means. Do you like Mayo?

Bryan: It is mayonnaise

Jason: OK. Do you like mayonnaise?

Bryan: On my sandwiches

Jason: I love mayonnaise. Now to the serious stuff. Bryan, tell us about yourself. Where are you from? Where were you born?

Bryan: From pretty much everywhere on the map. I was born in Andalusia Alabama. When I was about a year old, my parent moved to Missouri. When I turned three…

Jason: Melissa what’s up?

Bryan: We moved to Tonga, which is a small island country in the pacific and then we moved a lot more back and forth. We ended up in another island country called Vanuatu for ten years of my life. Then I moved to Texas for bible school, which is why I am here.

Jason: Why all the moving around?

Bryan: My parents are missionaries. They started out as pastors and then became missionaries and landed in Vanuatu and I think that’s the spot where they are going to spend the rest of their lives.

Jason: That is awesome. So they are there now and they are going to stay there?

Bryan: Yeah.

Jason: When you came here to go to school, what school did you go to?

Bryan: I went to SAGU (Southwestern Assemblies of God University) in Waxahachie.

Jason: How long were you there for?

Bryan: I was there for four years.

Jason: He is, isn’t he? He has been all over the world. Vanuatu, you know their language right?

Bryan: I do.

Jason: A totally different language.

Bryan: They speak Bislama (speaks language)

Jason: Do not ever say that to me. Ever!

Bryan: Okay.

Jason: He does not know that I speak Bislama too. Can you read it? Is it a different written language?

Bryan: It is. It is like pidgin, so it has a little bit of English and a little bit of French. It is like pidgin. Have you ever heard of pidgin? There are different pidgin languages in Africa.

Jason: I am thinking of the bird. What degree did you get from SAGU?

Bryan: I got a Bachelors in Biblical Studies and I minored in Theological Studies

Jason: A lot of bible

Bryan: A lot of bible, and Dr. Starner and Dr. Rosdahl – a lot of great professors.

Jason: What’s up Cheryl. How are you doing Cheryl? You are helping me in real estate now, but what is your ultimate goal? What do you want to end up doing?

Bryan: Ultimately, Sara and I want to be missionaries somewhere in the pacific as well.

Jason: Is that in Vanuatu?

Bryan: No, it would probably be in Auckland.

Jason: Auckland, New Zealand?

Bryan: Yes, so we want to start in a different country. There are three layers of the pacific; Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. New Zealand is in Polynesia. Why Auckland is because there are more natives from these different countries living in Auckland and they are in those island countries. We can start somewhere, learn the language and culture then we can go to Auckland, plant churches and do ministry there to people that are displaced from their original culture. Because we understand their culture, it gives us an ‘in’.

Jason: You mentioned Sara, and I did not even ask about Sara, shame on me. How long have you been married? Who are you married to?

Bryan: I am married to Sarah Elaine Webb. Tomorrow will be eleven months - going on 50 years for sure.

Jason: That is so cool. Just 50 years?

Bryan: 50 years is a start.

Jason: I am just saying, sorry Sara that was weird. 50 years and it is over. You guys got
more than that. my grandparents just had their 62nd anniversary.  

Bryan: That is awesome.

Jason: It is. What are your hobbies? The interesting thing about Bryan Webb the second.

Bryan: It is not junior.

Jason: I have made the mistake of saying Bryan Webb and he threatened me.

Bryan: Number one hobby as far as being interesting, relaxing and enjoyable is tree climbing. Jason knew I was going to say that.

Jason: Yeah

Bryan: I love finding a very climbable tree and going up to the very top branch and then taking pictures from the top branch of people on the ground and the view from the top of the tree.

Jason: How many times have you dropped your phone?

Bryan: I have dropped my phone on purpose but never on accident.

Jason: You know Zack. What’s up Zack? You know him.

Bryan: Probably. I have met him.

Jason: Zack you have to come say hi to Bryan from church.

Bryan: Hey Patty!

Jason: How many times have you dropped your phone?

Bryan: Three times, but they were all on purpose. My brother was on the ground and I wanted him to get a picture of me in the tree. I dropped the phone and I told him not to try and catch it because it was like 50ft up.

Jason: That would have hurt.

Bryan: Yeah.

Jason: So Melissa has got a tree that you need to hang some stuff in.

Bryan: Okay, I got you Melissa.

Jason: If Sara approves then you are good.

Bryan: She is pretty cool about me climbing trees. When we first got together, it gave her a mini- heart attack every time but now, she is pretty cool about it.

Jason: You know Tara Kieshnick.

Bryan: Yeah

Jason: Bryan you need to read it from now on.

Bryan: Tara, I agree with your opinion but I disagree with it because there is no experience with that. If you are just flying a drone, you get to see cool footage but you do not experience it. 

Jason: Chill out Bryan, we have to be nice to the people watching. Okay, tree climbing hobby. I feel like you were going somewhere else.

Bryan: Yeah, since I got my bible degree, reading is like a hobby. I love commentaries and theology books and I really enjoy reading things about the bible.

Jason: Okay, real estate. How long have you been working with me now?

Bryan: Since January.

Jason: What have you gathered about the world of real estate so far? (10:39)

Bryan: It is a lot more complicated than I first expected. There are a lot of moving pieces. I got an introduction to it by hearing other people talk about their experiences, but I did not know how much things can be in flux. You say you are on a contract, but a lot of changes are...

Jason: Taking place.

Bryan: Much more complex than I expected but also interesting and engaging too.

Jason: You guys know that when we go under contract, Bryan is the guy that takes it over. It’s like we are playing football, he just takes it over and manages it. The plan is to get his license. Are you still planning on getting your license?

Bryan: Yes, I am.

Jason: Alright, cool. So, if you are looking to buy in three months, this is your guy. You can get a license which nowadays it can be quick. You go to Lifegate church?

Bryan: I do.

Jason: Shout out to Life Gate!

Bryan: Lifegate is awesome.

Jason: I go to Lifegate too. Do you volunteer there? How are you involved with that church?

Bryan: I am involved on different levels. I was involved with worship, doing media and production.

Jason: That is Patty. What’s up, Patty? Thank you!

Bryan: I also serve on the youth team as a small group leader and a youth leader when we are actually having services. We have a prayer team that prays before all the weekend services. I jumped on that because that is a gifting that God has given me. It has been an awesome experience. 

Jason: That is awesome.

Bryan: It has been really cool to see how as I have gotten more involved, how much of the community I have gotten into.

Jason: What is your favorite place to eat in Burleson? Wait, where do you live? That is another question. You live in Burleson.

Bryan: I live here in Burleson, in Encore Apartments on Alsbury.

Jason: Do not give your apartment number up, we’re on the internet. What is your social number?

Bryan: 000000

Jason: Wendy Peterson, what is going on?

Bryan: I like Our Place because it I just unique. There are a lot of chain restaurants, but Our Place is its own thing.

Jason: Which is why we like local business. What do you like about living in the Dallas-Fort-Worth area????

Bryan: I feel like everything is really accessible. If I want to go to an art museum, if I want fly out of the country, and if I want to go shopping, there is a lot of opportunities metroplex, it is at most an hour away from where are.

Jason: Yes, it is massive. What’s up Travis. You do not know Bryan but you know me.

Bryan: I’ll give him credit for being a cool guy though.

Jason: He is a cool guy. He can play electric guitar like nobody else. Pretty sure, The Star Spangled Banner, you played that for me once and that was killer. That was awesome. Anything else interesting about you Bryan Webb? When was the last time you have been to Vanuatu?

Bryan: November of last year. Sara and I went over there for a kids program at a missions retreat. All the missionaries there were meeting together and we took care of their kids. Swam with them and had a blast.

Jason: That is awesome. Are you doing youth camps and what not this summer?

Bryan: Yeah, we are going to go with Lifegate youth group. It is end of June and early July. I am looking forward to that. I haven’t been to North Texas campground yet, and I obviously haven’t gone with Lifegate Youth.

Jason: Okay, when you say the North Texas campground, that’s with the Assemblies of God, right?

Bryan: Yes, it is.

Jason: Okay, other interesting facts about Bryan Webb.

Bryan: I can do very impressive bird calls.

Jason: Are you serious?

Bryan: Have you heard my bird call?

Jason: No

Bryan: Here it is. (makes bird noise)

Jason: That was unexpected, but you only have one bird call.

Bryan: I can do different pitches, but I’m not going to try.

Jason: You mean like this (makes sound). That is a loud car. Common man! We are doing a Facebook live video. So you do bird calls, how did you learn how to do bird calls?

Bryan: A missionary that was visiting us. He liked doing it, he would go to a village and start doing it and all these kids would come around and they would play a bunch of games.

Jason: That is cool.

Bryan: He showed me how to do it and I picked it up after 5 minutes.

Jason: You’re kind of like, “My name is Bryan and I’m kind of a big deal and I learned it in 5 minutes” what else? Right Jessie, mine was a little more on point. Did you hear the tone? I impressed myself.

Bryan: That was good. I said tree climbing but also climbing in general. I love going to places that I know nothing about and walking around and climbing.

Jason: People watching this video at some point or you are watching it now, comment places where you can climb things. Bryan needs places where he can climb.

Bryan: That is true.

Jason: Anything else interesting? What is the craziest experience you have had in Vanuatu?

Bryan: It was a boat ride.

Jason: A boat ride?

Bryan: Yes. A very small boat with a very small engine and the waves got up to 25ft and we were in that for a good 7 hours inching along until we could land on the beach.

Jason: Did you think you were going to die?

Bryan:  I did because there were just cliffs. If the boat would have gone down; there was not anywhere that we could swim to. We prayed a lot.

Jason: I am glad you are still here man. I am glad that the boat ride did not go worse than it went. There are a lot of trees in my neighborhood, Jessie. You need to go where Jessie is. 

Bryan: I would go there and I would teach Dayton how to climb trees too.

Jason: Do you have an interesting question for me? Let us see what kind of questions you got.

Bryan: Okay, so, the vehicle we are riding in right now has off road capabilities, is that correct?

Jason: That is correct.

Bryan: What is your off road experience?

Jason: Listen, this is my off road experience. This is the peak of my off road career.  This was when a friend of mine and I were in college. It was snowing in Montana and we were visiting Montana. My friend still lives there. We used to do goofy things like go through drive through lanes backwards. We were driving and we said, “let us do something” we went to a Goodwill and bought a pink and white Barbie Jeep. You know, the battery operated ones for kids, and we got it for like $20.

Bryan: That’s a good deal.

Jason: It was. I don't even know if it worked or not, we just bought it. My friend had a real jeep  so we just went to this big open area and it was snowing and muddy, very slushy. We tied the rope to the back of his jeep and about 30ft behind, we tied the Barbie jeep and we got in motorcycle gear with the helmet and everything.

Bryan: You were safe.

Jason: We were safe and we pulled each other around through the dirt and the mud for about 30-40 miles an hour in the Barbie jeep.

Bryan: 40 miles an hour?

Jason: Yeah.

Bryan: How did the jeep even stay intact?

Jason: It did, we destroyed it at the end. When we were done, we both got in the car, we just drove, did donuts and threw it up against trees, and it shattered

Bryan: You shouldn’t litter.

Jason: We picked up all the pieces.

Bryan: Did you?

Jason: I think we picked up the biggest piece. I think we took the biggest piece home.

Bryan: You get credit for trying.

Jason: Yeah, it was snowing outside and part of the Barbie jeep was white. We could not pick up all the pieces. This is the first time we are doing this guys, I do not know how we are going to wrap this up. I will start right now. Again, Bryan Webb is an assistant with me, getting ready to get his license. Keep an eye out, we are going to post his video on YouTube. We are going make this a podcast. Please comment, like, share. We are going to be doing different things like interviewing people in the community as well as people in real estate, foundation people, title people etc. we just want to make it fun because real estate need to be fun sometimes - but really all the time because it can be stressful. Thank you all for tuning in or watching in the future. We will catch you next week for the next video. See you all. Bye!